Self Defense For Seniors
Everyone deserves to feel secure. That's why self defense for seniors is such an important topic. As people age, reaction time and relative strength decline which can make one vulnerable to attacks. Fortunately, there are a variety of good tactics older adults can learn in order to protect themselves. It is a sad reality that people do prey upon seniors. A U.S. Department of Justice report noted that between 2003-2013, 93 percent of all crimes against people over age 65 were property crimes such as burglary and theft. Even though seniors experience lower rate of violent crime than those in other age groups, the report showed that over the same time period, the rate of violent crime against people over 65 increased by 27 percent. This training introduces different types of self defense training that is available and how such training can benefit your health and well-being. You'll learn about steps to take to avoid becoming a target and discover basic techniques for defending yourself. This training also covers important factors to consider before turning to a firearm for your defense.
This training is an approximately two hour presentation that we can provide to your group at our Academy or our instructors can come to you! Contact Us to learn more!

When it comes to firearms training, confidence equals safety. And that is a big reason why we train. All experience levels welcome.

Our NRA-certified instructors work one-on-one with each student, ensuring you learn the fundamentals of how to comfortably use a firearm.

All of our firearms courses, including Concealed Carry and Beginner through Advanced, will help you develop skills to handle your firearm with more accuracy.